MMGY NextFactor Launches OrganizationNEXT Update Focusing on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
December 22, 2020
MMGY NextFactor produced the OrganizationNEXT Strategic Recovery Plan in the summer of 2020 to define how destination organizations are prioritizing strategies to address the decimation of business caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Today, the company launched an updated OrganizationNEXT Report with new survey data and industry insight.
Takeaways include:
- A new section on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion with commentary from industry leaders
- An overview of how destination organizations are reimagining their roles and key performance indicators
- Updated global rankings of strategic priorities relating to community building, customer engagement and organization sustainability
There are signs that the global visitor industry is moving in a positive direction as we head into 2021. We believe that OrganizationNEXT provides a high-level overview to inform how destination organizations can stay in front of these transformational times effectively.
The most significant addition in this report is the section on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. We included a new set of questions in the second survey to better understand how destination leaders are implementing strategies to create more equitable organizations and communities.
This report also compares the results of the two surveys in summer and Q4 2020, the latter of which included expanded questions relating to roles and KPIs. Almost all of the destination leaders we’ve engaged this year are focused on how their organization’s mandate and impact needs to evolve in 2021, both internally and within their communities.